Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 12- Halfway

I know this day is technically halfway but I count halfway as being when I am done with the cleanse phase.

Food Choices-
This day was a huge struggle for me. I took the day off work because I wanted to get some cleaning done at home (ie take down the Christmas tree, don't judge!) Then because I was in the cleaning mood I didn't take the time to snack or eat at normal times. Excuses, yes but I'm just putting it out there that it does happen.

Breakfast- Berry Shake

Lunch- We were told we were going to have a nasty snow storm so I wanted to get to the store. Since I was out I ran through McDonald's quick and grabbed 2 hamburgers. I ate just the hamburger part. I wanted to be able to eat on the run and Subway is just too hard to do that. Well for me anyways!

Supper- We had friends come and visit. Matt braved the cold and grilled hamburgers and bratwurst. I made some of my green beans in the oven and we also had french fries. Our friends loved the green beans! I had 2 bratwurst and green beans. I did have a few french fries but not before I took my carb ease. Seriously, there is always a bottle in the bathroom and one in my purse. I never leave home without it.

Exercise- Does the cleaning count? I missed spin/sculpt in the morning because I was exhausted from the week.

Water- 80oz

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